Tag Archives: corporate social innovation

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The New Pioneers Case of the Month: Peepoople – taking the backdoor to sanitation

Just imagine for a moment that you did not have a toilet. Scary, isn’t it? This the reality for over 2.6 billion people on the planet, who lack access to even the simplest latrine. Peepoople has found a solution: a single-use, biodegradable and self-sanitising Peepoo plastic bag which serves as a personal, portable and low-cost latrine. Continue reading

Posted in | Environmental sustainability, Health, Social entrepreneurship, Social innovations, Sustainable business, The New Pioneers Case of the Month
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2013 trends 524X218
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The four CSR megatrends for 2013

Here are the four most important corporate social responsibility megatrends for 2013: Putting purpose before profit; Turning your employees into CSR managers; Shared value partnerships with social entrepreneurs; Social media and stakeholder engagement instead of CSR-reporting. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, CSR communication, Corporate Volunteering, Employer branding, Social entrepreneurship, Stakeholder engagement, Sustainable business
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A business force for good

Hardcore businesspeople are realizing that they can increase their profits by incorporating social responsibility as a part of their business strategy. And heartcore idealists are recognizing that the use of market methods give them the opportunity to create even more social value. In time, the two fields will converge, and social entrepreneurship become more of a mindset rather than a specific category of start-up companies. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Partnerships, Social entrepreneurship, Social innovations, Sustainable business
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