Category Archives: CSR

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Are you from Mars or from Venus?

Sustainable business requires an effort, which combines masculine and feminine values. That’s why we need women who raise their voices and men who reclaim their hearts. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Sustainable business
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* * * * * 1 vote

The New Pioneers Case of the Month: General Electric’s Health Mission

Like an increasing number of other companies, General Electric (GE) has realized that it can create more value from its philanthropic contributions, if they are related to their core business. One example is GEs programme Developing Health Globally.
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Posted in | CSR, Corporate Volunteering, Globalization, Health, Partnerships, Sustainable business, The New Pioneers Case of the Month
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The Trojan Horse Strategy – Changing Business From Within

Imagine that you are the owner of a highly successful social enterprise that has built its success on doing both well and good. One day you get a call from a well-known multi-national corporation, perhaps one with a less than … Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Ethical consumption, Social entrepreneurship
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Impact return
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The New Pioneers Case of the Month: Acumen fund – Putting focus on the Social Return on Investment

A new movement within investing and philanthropy is making its mark worldwide. Commercial investors of capital are steering away from sectors and companies whose social or environmental risks and potential liabilities may jeopardize their financial interests – and social venture … Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Social entrepreneurship, Socially Responsible Investing, The New Pioneers Case of the Month
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* * * * * 4 vote

Social business and CSR – same, same but different?

Are social business and CSR two sides of the same coin? And do you have to be driven by ethics and morality in the pursuit of bridging solutions to social problems with business? Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Social entrepreneurship
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2013 trends 524X218
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The four CSR megatrends for 2013

Here are the four most important corporate social responsibility megatrends for 2013: Putting purpose before profit; Turning your employees into CSR managers; Shared value partnerships with social entrepreneurs; Social media and stakeholder engagement instead of CSR-reporting. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, CSR communication, Corporate Volunteering, Employer branding, Social entrepreneurship, Stakeholder engagement, Sustainable business
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* * * * * 5 vote

Put purpose before profit – and be a business success anyway

About a year ago, the Danish low-cost mobile phone company Call Me began the process of developing the strategy ”TRUST”, which integrates social responsibility and social capital (trust) in the heart of Call Me’s business. The strategy has already created tangible results on both the inner and outer bottom lines. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, CSR communication, Employer branding, Stakeholder engagement
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* * * * ½ 2 vote

Employee volunteering – for the inner & outer bottom lines

Citizens and employees are increasingly on the hunt for a greater purpose with their daily efforts. It’s a quest for meaning – and a quest for a meaningful work-life. Employee volunteering is part of this trend – and when integrated into a company’s core business strategy it can benefit the triple bottom line. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Corporate Volunteering, Education, Globalization, Sustainable business
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* * * * ½ 109 vote

Community – not just a stakeholder but the purpose of business

Long before terms like “values” and “sustainability” became business buzzwords in the West they were already being implemented by one Indian corporation. The Tata group, founded by Jamsetji N. Tata in the late 1890s, is today going on over 130 years of emphasising themes of governance, sustainability, values and ethics. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, India, New paradigms, Social entrepreneurship
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The New Pioneers makes the Top 40

The New Pioneers has made no. 21 on the University of Cambridge’s “Top 40 Sustainability Books of 2010” alongside books by authors such as Al Gore, Muhammad Yunus and Joseph E. Stiglitz. “We selected those books which we believe are most relevant for today’s leaders,” explains Wayne Visser, Senior Associate at the University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership and author of the newly published book “The Age of Responsibility”. Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Sustainable business
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