Tag Archives: Social entreprenuership

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The Trojan Horse Strategy – Changing Business From Within

Imagine that you are the owner of a highly successful social enterprise that has built its success on doing both well and good. One day you get a call from a well-known multi-national corporation, perhaps one with a less than … Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Ethical consumption, Social entrepreneurship
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The New Pioneers Case of the Month: Apopo – Making rats man’s best friend

When dealing with the societal and environmental challenges we face today, the most common approach is often the same. For example, putting our faith in some new technology that has been developed in a lab in Geneva or from a … Continue reading

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Impact return
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The New Pioneers Case of the Month: Acumen fund – Putting focus on the Social Return on Investment

A new movement within investing and philanthropy is making its mark worldwide. Commercial investors of capital are steering away from sectors and companies whose social or environmental risks and potential liabilities may jeopardize their financial interests – and social venture … Continue reading

Posted in | CSR, Social entrepreneurship, Socially Responsible Investing, The New Pioneers Case of the Month
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